Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Luke Salisbury's Exercise in Reticent Thought Analysis

everyone found their soul mate and partnered up. I then asked them to stare lovingly into one another's eyes and imagine what they were thinking of. Once everyone was certain they had fully explored the inner depths of their partner's psyche, I had them transcribe their analysis on a piece of parchment. Once the mind-transcript had been complete, it was turned over to the person who was being surveyed. This person was then responsible to grade the work of the attempted mind read that was performed on them. In their grading they were strict but fair, and some of the results are as follows:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Learning to Love you More Project - Megan Highet

For this project I took a page from Gestalt therapy.  I first asked each student to pick out his or her own color of paper from a stack of construction paper.  I then ask the students to pick out colors and the amount of crayons they wanted to use from a big bag.  They were then asked to draw themselves as houses.  I could have gone farther with this project and asked each student about what each aspect of the house means to them but I felt we didn’t have time.  So instead, I would like you as the viewer to pick one or all the houses to explain what you think the house says about the person who drew it. 

Ayla Hohle LLYM

The assignment was to take a picture of your reflection without using a mirror.

Pushing your imagination, with the concept of reflections of yourself, fascinated me so I chose to have my classmates attempt to capture this assignment with their own interpretations. Everyone sees themselves in a different light then other people, this project captures those images and reflects the personalities of the individuals that are behind them. It becomes a imaginative interpretation of self portraits.

This is what was imagined:

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lindsey Bauer- LLYM-Take a picture of the backseat of your vehicle.

For my Learning To Love You More assignment I had my classmates take pictures of the backseats (not the trunks) of their vehicles, and they were told not to move any of the items in their backseats. What they saw then, is what they were supposed to capture on their camera. 
I had chosen to do this assignment because it was something different and I hope no one gets offended, but I have been told that you can kind of tell a little about a person and how they live by the way the inside of their vehicle looks. Whether it's messy or clean. 

It's kind of fun seeing my friends' cars; some super clean and some super messy. I'm kind of a neat freak and so I always keep my car clean. But I know some people who have their car full of stuff and it looks like they haven't even finished moving yet...it's NOVEMBER! Some, I can't even see the floor of their vehicle... Others look like a fast food tornado came through their vehicle! 

Now, I am not saying that just because your vehicle is messy now, doesn't mean that you're a messy person. I am just saying that this is what I always think about when I first get into a friend's vehicle... 
"is there somewhere to sit this time?"

Megan Van Lith LLM

Hakuna Matata- It means no worries
                              Timone and Pumba, The Lion King duh!

Good Idea who needs a king? No king no king lada da da da daaaa
Idiots! There will be a king!
-But I thought you said....
I will be king! Stick with me and you'll never go hungry Again!
                              Scar/ Hyenas, The Lion King

Well I would...but I'm bolted to the wall!!!
                             The organ, Beauty and the Beast

I'm in the mood...for food
                           Winnie the Pooh

And don't underestimate the importance of body language
                             Ursula, The Little Mermaid

Dig a tunnel, dig dig a tunnel, watch out for the hyena come!
                              Lion King 1 1/2

The force be with you
                           Star Wars

I shall call him squishy and he shall be mind and he shall be my squishy
                           Dory, Finding Nemo

Use the force Luke
                        Star Wars

I am the Awe-some the AWE INSPIRIN' MUSHU!
                         Mushu, Mulan

When will my reflection show who I am inside?

Phil Geving LLM

I am constantly fascinated by animals, not simply by their physical features, but also by their capacity for the noble virtues of humanity such as loyalty and compassion.  For this exercise, we made a list of three of our favorite animals and drew an amalgamation of them.  We then wrote down what qualities attracted us to the creatures we chose.  Finally, we titled the piece the name of our best friend, so that we could dwell on whether that person actually shares those traits with the animal or not.......

Here are a few of my favorites

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Megan Van Lith Casting Project

I cast a vaseline container.  The purpose was to change it's meaning, where vaseline adds moister, plaster takes it away.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Casting Project- Megan Highet

Milk and Donuts (wax and plaster)

I was very happy with the way my project turned out.  I was able to create objects out of a new material that give the illusion of still being the original object.  I was amazed at how well the materials I used transformed during the casting process.  I used plaster, white wax, wax dye and brown wax for this project.  I love how simple these objects are and how well the realism was able to show through.