Monday, November 18, 2013

Lindsey Bauer- LLYM-Take a picture of the backseat of your vehicle.

For my Learning To Love You More assignment I had my classmates take pictures of the backseats (not the trunks) of their vehicles, and they were told not to move any of the items in their backseats. What they saw then, is what they were supposed to capture on their camera. 
I had chosen to do this assignment because it was something different and I hope no one gets offended, but I have been told that you can kind of tell a little about a person and how they live by the way the inside of their vehicle looks. Whether it's messy or clean. 

It's kind of fun seeing my friends' cars; some super clean and some super messy. I'm kind of a neat freak and so I always keep my car clean. But I know some people who have their car full of stuff and it looks like they haven't even finished moving's NOVEMBER! Some, I can't even see the floor of their vehicle... Others look like a fast food tornado came through their vehicle! 

Now, I am not saying that just because your vehicle is messy now, doesn't mean that you're a messy person. I am just saying that this is what I always think about when I first get into a friend's vehicle... 
"is there somewhere to sit this time?"

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