Thursday, December 12, 2013

Jaydn Alexander- Pedestal Project

Beloved Vitrine

In my pedestal project I wanted to create a conversation regarding conventional types of display in museum setting as well as the types of pristine objects displayed.

The loosely fabricated elements of the piece, most evident in the stand, signify to the viewer all aspects of the display were made by hand. This constrasts the conventional quality found in museum displays as they are created in a way as to not distract the viewer from the quality of the piece, as well as to provide a stability in preserving this quality. This is also questioned in the stand as it is unstable and wobbles back and forth at the slightest touch, this is indicative of the brick at the base.

Another conversation this piece instigates is one of the sense of valuable works commonly found in museums. The questions this piece aims to provoke are questions regarding the value behind a work of art. What gives a piece the need to be protected or displayed? What if this value was mere personal attachment? What if this value seems unsettling to one person, but sentimental to another?

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