Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lindsey Bauer-Pedestal

For the first part of this project, I wanted to make a pedestal that hung from the ceiling and have the platform just above the ground....Well, that didn't work out that great, because of some minor difficulties, but it looked good in the end. A little unfinished though, I would say. I wanted the sculpture to have the feeling of invisibility. So I tried my best to use 'clearer' materials to put everything together. (broken glass, hot glue, plexy, fishing line). Yet there was a somewhat look of 'invisibility'-not really, the project wasn't exactly how I had imagined it to look. But with the help of critique from my classmates, I learned how I could improve my pedestal sculpture. I then took the bottom plexy off of the bottom and continued to have it look open/ongoing, by not constricting it to a limit. I also added more clear glass, along with brown beer bottles to give it more color and I used black wire to hold up the beer bottle glass and clear glass pieces. I think that the black wire really gave it like a fun contour look in a way. A mirror and lamp on the ground under the pedestal was added to give it a more 'reflection' and shadow look, when the lights are turned off. When looking in the mirror-it seems to look like the pedestal is way longer and never ending. The light source also helps reflect off of the glass pieces. And when looking at the ceiling or the wall-you can see the shadows that the glass gives off. I am happy once again with the end result of this project. 

Getting started.

First part.

With a mirror.

Without a mirror. Final.

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