Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Andrew Domeier's casting project

 photo Domeier-cast1_zpscdb3f7e2.jpg
For my project I decided to make a latex mould of ramen noodles. originally I had wanted to cast this object in salt, but due to complications with casting material had to switch to white wax. Even though I couldn't get the salt to work, I think that the white wax has the appearance of a block of salt.
 photo Domeier-cast3_zps866c2901.jpg
I had come up with the idea to cast this in salt whilst reading the nutrition facts on ramen noodles, and saw that there is a staggering 1660mg of sodium in one package. By casting my noodles in salt, or "faux-salt", I am commenting on the extreme sodium contained within these packages of noodles, that are eaten by a very large portion of people every day. This may also be related to other American food culture, where extremely unhealthy foods are made to be very cheap and widely available.  photo Domeier-casr2_zps76f6ae5f.jpg

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