Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ayla Hohle - Casting Project

Yummy Yummy Corn! Or not... Corn is edible but not this corn which is made of wax. I chose to display the corn in a basket and in multiples because it is more realistic, someone just went and picked out this corn. And you cant just eat one cob. Husk leaves still cling to the freshly chucked corn. These leaves are also made from wax. They were made by pouring wax over a real leaf giving it the texture of an actual leaf. The basket started on the pedestal but was moved to the ground giving it a look as if someone set it down and forgot it. Complications of this cast was mainly in the leaves and peeling them from the real leaves at the right time, couldn't be too liquid or to solid or it would tear or break.

Bright colors! These mushrooms were made from a single ceramic mushroom made for decoration. Now they are made from crayon so they are a fun tool to draw with. It is a take on those shaped erasers, of animals, food, sports, that you can actually use. There are multiple mushrooms made because there is never just one crayon in a crayon box so why would there be just one crayon mushroom? Complications of this cast was timing of when to take it out of the mold, if it was to wet it would break. When it was completely solid it needed to be forcefully torn out. When I finished making the mushrooms my mold was basically destroyed.

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